IOT verticals

The different IOT markets

Thingsdata offers solutions for every type of organization that wants to connect to their devices, and because every market (vertical or industry) and every organization is different, we offer customization and project support to our customers and resellers.



Organizations can consume large amounts of energy on a daily basis. The hardware and software we supply links energy data from different devices together for clear insights and control.
Thingsdata is actief in de transport en logistiek markt M2M IOT internet of things mobiele data Lora machine to machine


In combination with GPS and LBS, IoT connectivity can transmit information such as vehicle position, speed, mileage, fuel consumption and maintenance information.
Betaalautomaten M2M

Payment terminals

IoT handles the pin traffic of mobile payment terminals. Let your customers pay by debit card, mobile payment or smartwatch with a secure wireless connection (M2M connectivity) through the mobile payment terminal.
Continuïteit en garantie van de werking van de parkeerapparatuur, dankzij M2M simkaarten

Parking systems

IoT guarantees the continuity of the operation of parking meters, through secure multi-network M2M simcards we guarantee the continuity of the PIN transactions 24×7.
Doormiddel van beveiligde multinetwerk M2M-simkaarten die roamen op alle netwerken hebben de woningen die worden voorzien met een IOT gateway een onafhankelijke internet toegang en connectie met de cloud.

Zero on the meter homes

Zero on the meter homes are gradually becoming the new norm. We provide solutions aimed at, among others, housing corporations and installers to fulfill all monitoring requirements.

Installation technology

The installation sector is a perfect basis for IoT. With everyone currently moving to BIM, information is increasingly managed centrally. Add sensors to generate input and triggers for the output.
Watermanagement waarbij systemen van afstand benaderbaar zijn dankzij IOT connectiviteit zoals M2M

Water management

By connecting objects such as pumps, locks, weirs, bridges, overflows and level measurements with an IoT network, the entire water chain can be monitored remotely (telemetrically).
IIOT verwijst naar installaties, apparatuur en sensoren die met elkaar verbonden zijn in een industriële omgeving.

Industrial IOT

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) revolutionizes industrial processes by connecting installations, equipment and sensors in production environments. This connectivity enables global, independent monitoring and ushers in a new era of efficiency and data-driven decision making.
LTE M networks via KPN available in Belgium, France and Germany.

Smart Agriculture

IoT applications, in combination with data-driven precision farming, enable farmers to reduce costs and maximize crop yields and profits.
IoT maakt het mogelijk om op afstand en in realtime cruciale beslissingen te nemen over de organisatie en patiëntbewaking.

Connected Healthcare

Connected healthcare in IoT opens the door to a more advanced and personalized healthcare experience, where technology is the key to better patient outcomes and more efficient healthcare processes. Make the transition to the future of healthcare today with our connected healthcare in IoT solutions.
M2M simkaarten garandeerd de beste connectiviteit in alle Europese landen waardoor voertuigen door heel Europa gemonitoord kunnen worden.

Fleet management

IoT in fleet management reduces operational costs and optimizes overall performance. This technology enables fleet managers, drivers and logistics operators to make more data-based, informed decisions and ensures full network connectivity through IoT devices.
Om storingen op de LAN of WIFI te voorkomen kan er een 4G router met een multinetwerk 4G M2M-simkaart ingezet worden als back-up.


To prevent outages, a 4G router with a 4G simcard can be used as a backup. This guarantees the continuity of internet access for a store and prevents the failure of payment systems.
Dankzij IOT toepassingen zoals M2M simkaarten wordt de continuïteit van data gegarandeerd.


IoT applications are also used in the security industry. By means of various emergency buttons, applications and trackers can be alarmed and communicated (in combination with GPS).
Digital signage in combinatie met IOT stelt merken en ondernemingen in staat om in realtime op maat gemaakte berichten aan doelgroepen te leveren.

Digital Signage

Applying the Internet of Things (IoT) allows companies to optimize their digital displays based on real-time data. For example, sensors can measure the crowds in a store, allowing the content on the screen to be dynamically adjusted to better suit the audience.
Toepassing van energiemanagement voor smartbuildings worden mogelijk dankzij beveiligde M2M simkaarten, IOT gateways, sensoren en Portalen

Smart Building

Whoever chooses a Smart Building, chooses a building in which it is not so much about the individual technical installations, but about creating a total experience through smart IoT technologies.
Voor verzamelen van Meetdata in gebouwen worden LoRa sensoren ingezet

Indoor climate

IoT devices can be used to optimize air quality and temperature in buildings. IoT data provides real-time insight into conditions within a building, allowing building managers to respond quickly and accurately to maintain a healthy and comfortable environment.
Continuïteit en garantie van de werking van de parkeerapparatuur, dankzij M2M simkaarten

Access systems

The application of the Internet of Things (IoT) in access systems offers numerous benefits that contribute to improved security and efficiency. Below are some of the key benefits of IoT in access systems.
M2M simkaarten zorgen voor de continuïteit en garantie van de meetdata.

Solar systems

Suppliers of solar systems nowadays prefer not to use a local network. This can be achieved by using secure multi-network M2M simcards.
Public Sector

Public Sector

IoT will improve citizens comfort, make shopping and tourist centers more dynamic, guarantee data security and will simplify the work of civil servants. IoT applications are one of the driving forces to realize a Smart City.
Smart Oil & Gas

Smart Oil & Gas

Operational efficiency and reliability are of great importance in the Oil & Gas industry, IoT helps to realize this. In the field of monitoring, regulatory compliance, business technology and environmental risk reduction.  
Charging Stations

Charging Stations

Smart charging stations can not only improve the efficiency and reliability of the charging infrastructure, but also contribute to more sustainable energy management. By using advanced data analysis and smart energy management systems, organizations can optimize charging times, balance energy consumption and reduce costs. Furthermore, smart charging stations can be integrated into broader smart city initiatives, contributing to a more connected and sustainable urban environment.

Frequently asked questions about IOT verticals

Which sectors have already established themselves in the Internet of Things market?

Various sectors already have a strong position in the IOT market, including logistics and transport, water management, energy and retail.

Which sectors are emerging in the Internet of Things market?

Several sectors are showing strong growth in the IoT market. Some of the fastest growing sectors are: healthcare, IIOT (Industrial IOT), charging stations, and agriculture.

Which sectors are lagging behind in the Internet of Things market?

Various sectors still have a lot of potential when it comes to growth. You can think of the public sector, NOM homes, smart buildings and buildings (smart city).

What is the potential of the IoT market in terms of size and growth?

The potential of the IoT market is huge in terms of both size and growth. The number of connected devices, which is now about 15 billion, is expected to grow by 15% every year in the near future. This offers enormous opportunities for innovation, efficiency improvement and new business opportunities in various sectors, making the IoT market a promising growth area.

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