Inflation correction 2024

We would like to express our sincere appreciation for your continued collaboration and the trust you have placed in Thingsdata. We highly value our relationship and believe it is crucial to keep you informed about an upcoming change.

Price Increase as of January 1, 2024

The impacts of extremely high inflation are evident across all sectors of society, and the exceptional price hikes over the past two years have been a direct result of this. In fact, inflation rates have reached levels not seen since 1975. At Thingsdata, we have also experienced a significant rise in costs.

This escalation in costs for Thingsdata is a direct consequence of substantial increases in expenses incurred from our suppliers and partners. Regrettably, we find it necessary to pass on an adjustment to our clients effective January 1, 2024 to ensure the continued delivery of the same quality service.

We have made every effort to minimize these increases and absorb a portion of these costs internally. As a result, we have determined that a 7,5 percent adjustment on all subscriptions will be implemented on January 1, 2024. This pricing adjustment is based on the DPI, as outlined in our general terms and conditions.

Should you have any questions or wish to discuss this increase further, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your understanding and continued partnership.

Frequently Asked Questions About Inflation Adjustment

When will you be increasing the prices?

The price increase will take effect on January 1, 2024.

By what percentage will the subscriptions increase?

We have made efforts to pass on as minimal costs as possible to our clients. According to the terms and conditions, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) serves as the basis. For the year 2024, the percentage has been determined to be 7,5 percent.

Where does it state that Thingsdata is authorized to adjust prices for inflation?

Based on the terms and conditions, the inflation adjustment takes place. It is stipulated that organizations may increase prices as of January 1 of the new year, provided that prior communication is conducted.

Are prices being increased for all products and services?

No, only the prices of our subscriptions are being increased. The prices of our products will remain the same.