Thingsdata certified as a recognized training company!

Thingsdata gecertificeerd als erkend leerbedrijf

Thingsdata is certified by SBB as a recognized training company, which means that we can offer MBO students a work-study trajectory (Beroeps Opleidende Leerweg, BOL). In addition, we can have our own employees follow a Beroeps Begeleidende leerweg (BBL), in which we take care of all parts of the vocational training.

Who is SBB?

SBB (Samenwerkingsorganisatie Beroepsonderwijs Bedrijfsleven) is a professional cooperation organization at the heart of secondary vocational education and the business community, which provides recognition, guidance and advice for work placement companies.

Who is Thingsdata?

Thingsdata is an independent IoT system integrator that helps organizations at all levels to realize Internet of Things challenges, both nationally and internationally. We are a Dutch organization based in Amsterdam and active since 2015. We work closely with a dynamic and innovative partner ecosystem. Thingsdata makes installations, equipment and sensors smarter and connects them to the internet.

We find it important to work with students and interns, so we ensure the influx of well-trained professionals and we stay informed of recent developments in education.

If you are interested in a work-study program at Thingsdata, please contact us via telephone number 085-0443500 or by email to

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