No data, no costs for temporary use of simcards

As an organization you prefer not to receive an invoice in the months when the simcards are not used. Thingsdata has a solution for this, because we can configure our multi-network M2M simcards in such a way that they automatically switch to a non-billable status after x number of days of inactivity. If a simcard has not used any data for a full calendar month and the simcard is in the activation ready status, it will not be invoiced to you as a customer.

Thingsdata has several customers in the events industry that are facing obstacles when deploying connectivity. When the event season is over and the simcards will not be used until next season, many operators can offer unfavorable conditions. Often costs are charged for inactive simcards that do not use data or subscriptions have to be canceled and an agreement has to be drawn up again the following season. For this, the simcards have to be changed, which results in extra working hours and therefore costs.

We offer the “no data, no costs” construction for this, in combination with other benefits. For example, we have no maximum activation period, no minimum period active on the network and no fixed duration. The use of simcards during events ensures varied data consumption, which is where our pay as you go subscription comes in handy. This is a subscription per individual simcard where you pay exactly what one active simcard uses in data per month. Of course, a data bundle (pooled) can also come in handy if desired, all active simcards with an equivalent data bundle amount are added together and form one pool.

How can Thingsdata help you? Contact us via telephone number 085-0443500 or by e-mail to

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