Tips & tricks regarding configuration of IoT hardware such as routers and gateways?

Tips & tricks IOT hardware

When you start using hardware, it is always useful to consider the reliability of the hardware. Not only the reliability of the service provided by the supplier, but also whether you can trust that the hardware has all the necessary protections and functions. Let’s take a look at some of the essential features that increase the reliability of IoT hardware such as routers and gateways.

Restart and/or reboot

A popular way to solve problems your device encounters is to reboot the device. However, you are not always in reach of the device to perform a reset. Restarting the device regularly is one way to avoid “minor” problems that may appear. An auto reboot function does exactly the same, a ping reboot performs a periodic reboot of the device or restores the connection to the internet. The auto reboot minimizes system downtime and reduces maintenance.


Another great tool that increases the reliability of solutions is the watchdog. It can be an electronic component or a software timer that monitors the work of software and hardware. If an error occurs and the watchdog timer does not restart the ongoing monitoring, the watchdog can perform many corrective actions. This mechanism further automates problem solving steps and reduces the need for human interaction with the hardware. So check if the device already has a watchdog installed or is compatible with such a failsafe mechanism.

Fail over

Failover is an important feature that can ensure uninterrupted connectivity. If your primary connection drops, the device will automatically switch to another available option. In this way, your solution has an uninterrupted connection and stable speed. You can also set the failover to make the change when the connection starts to slow down.

Available information

You should have easy access to all available information about your hardware. Of course, you can find most questions online in user forums. But foremost the supplier must provide installation guides, configuration examples and usage scenarios. Also check the compatibility information, as many assembly lines allow older components to be integrated into the overall solution.


It is crucial that you ensure that all parts of your smart solution are secured. If a single person with bad intentions breaks into a gateway or a router, it can set off a chain reaction and sabotage the entire system. Options such as a firewall, VPN and various certificates are crucial components in any IoT solution. Of course there are measures that only you can take, but a basic level of security must be in place.

Firstly, a secure password is very important, this is of course very obvious, but many breaches still happen because simple and standard passwords are being used. The same password is also often used for multiple applications. Thingsdata recommends using an online password generator and never using the same password multiple times. It is also wise to choose a new password once in a while.

Two of the most prominent security features are a firewall and a VPN. A Virtual Private Network provides secure access between external networks, encrypts data and ensures anonymity when using the Internet. It also has many security protocols that further increase the security of your network. A firewall has a set of customizable rules that dictate who can access your network and devices. You can control who has access to the data within your network and who is rejected. A firewall acts as a barrier between secure and unsecured networks.

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