Multi-network LTE M simcard (Cat LTE M1) for the Netherlands and Germany!

Multi-network LTE M simcard (Cat LTE M1) for the Netherlands and Germany!

LTE M networks via Tele-2 IOT available in the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Germany.

At Tele2-IOT, the new LTE M roaming portfolio is expanding faster than expected. During the summer months, several new LTE M (Cat LTE M1) networks were added. The LTE M network has been specially developed for IoT applications and is based on the reliable and secure 4G networks of the providers. The coverage of LTE M is stronger than a 2G network and data can be sent quickly in an energy-efficient way. It is suitable for various applications that now work with 2G.

Why do we need LTE M networks?

To support the continued growth and development of the Internet of Things. Together with the 3GPP standard, the providers have standardized these new technologies in record time. LTE M networks support low energy consumption, more stable connections, higher penetration in buildings, lower costs and optimal security. LTE M networks will play an important role in connecting the new generation of IoT devices.

These are all countries where LTE-M is available through the Tele-2 IOT portfolio (only EU is listed). In the Netherlands and Germany there are even several LTE M networks available for roaming (redundancy). This ensures that the simcard has multi-network functionalities in the Netherlands and Germany.

  • Belgium – Orange
  • Denmark – Telenor
  • Finland – DNA
  • France – Orange
  • Germany – T-Mobile & Vodafone
  • Netherlands – Vodafone & KPN
  • Norway – Telenor
  • Sweden – Tele-2 Sweden
  • Switzerland – Swisscom

For more information, you can contact us via telephone number 085-0443500 or by mail to

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